7 Days Victoria Falls, Chobe, Savute, Moremi and Okavango Delta Mobile Camping Safari

7 Days

Start off at one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World, Victoria Falls before crossing the border into Botswana to Explore some of Botswana’s premier wildlife destinations with your own qualified field guide and safari vehicle. Visit the game-rich Chobe National Park, Savute National Park, Moremi Game Reserve and the Okavango Delta for an unparalleled wildlife viewing experience. Our semi-participation mobile camping safaris allow you to enjoy the thrilling wildlife game drives, beautiful scenery and sleep well in the comfort of our well-equipped tents. Meals are prepared by your own private camp chef and can be customized to your requirements where possible.


  • 1 Night Victoria Falls
  • 1 Night Chobe National Park
  • 1 Night Savute National Park
  • 2 Nights Moremi Game Reserve
  • 1 Night Okavango Delta

Victoria Falls includes Breakfast Only , sunset cruise, airport transfers and a Guided tour of the falls

All meals, local beverages and activities (game drives) included in Botswana with mokoro dugout boat activity in the Okavango Delta.


Arrive at Victoria Falls to a warm welcome by your safari guide or representative who will give you a short brief and hand over your tour file with all necessary vouchers and detailed itinerary if you have not yet received this via email.

Arrive at the static, ready made campsite in time for check in and freshening up before you are picked up for your Zambezi River Sunset Cruise. This is a 2 hour sunset boat cruise including all drinks and light finger snacks.

Today you will have an early morning wakeup call before your guide picks you up for a guided Tour of the Falls.

Depart Victoria Falls around 0900hrs after an early morning breakfast. Arrive in Chobe National Park by 09h00 in time for a morning boat cruise ending with lunch at one of the lodges along the Chobe River.

Soon after lunch drive into the Chobe National Park for a full afternoon game drive and sundowner drinks arriving at Camp just after sunset for dinner and overnight.

We head further south within Chobe National Park, were we spend the following night camping at a pristine bush campsite in the Savute region and exploring the dry landscape on game drives. Savute is an area that can change dramatically, with the character of the place changing completely depending on the flowing or drying up of the Savute Channel. In 2010, water from the Savute Channel reached the Marsh for the first time in three decades (after a long dry period during which resident lions learned to prey on elephants coming to drink at isolated waterholes). The presence of water can transform these dynamics and the only way to find out what will happen next, is to visit Savute with us and see for yourself!

The day’s journey follows this water course, with the track weaving from the riverside and floodplains into the mopane veld and the woodlands that make Khwai one of the most scenic areas of the Okavango entering Moremi through the North Gate near Khwai River.

Moremi is amongst the best game reserves in Africa for viewing the endangered African wild dog. Xakanaxa is home to a resident herd of several hundred buffalo whose range covers the territories of at least 4 prides of lion which may often be seen flanking the ever moving herd. Breeding herds of elephant move between their browsing areas in the mopane forests and the fresh water of the Okavango. Red lechwe are one of the more unusual antelope species and commonly found here.

Full day of activities in the Moremi Game Reserve.

Moremi is amongst the best game reserves in Africa for viewing the endangered African wild dog. Xakanaxa is home to a resident herd of several hundred buffalo whose range covers the territories of at least 4 prides of lion which may often be seen flanking the ever moving herd. Breeding herds of elephant move between their browsing areas in the mopane forests and the fresh water of the Okavango. Red lechwe are one of the more unusual antelope species and commonly found here.

Moremi Game Reserve encompasses the central and eastern edges of the Okavango Delta.

This day will be spent going on a mokoro dug-out canoe activities exploring the swamps of the Okavango Delta. Habitats here range from wide-open floodplains, marshes, lagoons, papyrus fringed channels, vast stands of Miscanthus and Phragmites, woodland and savannah. As a result of the extremely variable habitat the diversity of both wildlife and birdlife is excellent.

Day 7 :

Following breakfast and an early morning game drive, you will exit Moremi and drive to Maun where the tour ends.

You can send your enquiry via the form below.

7 Days Victoria Falls, Chobe, Savute, Moremi and Okavango Delta Mobile Camping Safari
From $ 1,726
/ Adult